Skivpuck som passar alla skivspelare. Väger endast 95g och ger en naturlig dämpning av oönskade resonanser.
Introduction to the Serene Stabiliser
The SERENE Record Stabiliser fits over the turntable spindle and rests on the label, designed to absorb micro-vibrations from multiple sources, including the stylus, acoustic feedback, and other ambient noise. Its dual-mechanism design helps intercept these micro-vibrations before they reach the cartridge, allowing the stylus to track the groove with greater clarity. By lowering noise at this sensitive point, the SERENE Stabiliser enhances subtle details and spatial depth, creating a more natural and immersive listening experience.
Weight is not always the answer
While many clamps and weights are effective at flattening records, their impact on sound quality can vary widely. Often, they enhance bass frequencies but at the expense of clarity in the upper mid-range. This added rigidity can prevent the record from naturally dispersing vibrations, sometimes leading to a slower, less lively sound.
Balancing Clarity and Dynamics with TAPA
The SERENE Stabiliser utilizes our patent pending Tension-Activated Particle Absorption (TAPA) system. Engineered to absorb micro-vibrations rather than simply flattening the record. Its lightweight, flexible design manages vibrations dynamically, maintaining the music’s natural dynamics. This approach ensures clear, balanced sound without the tonal alterations often caused by heavier clamps or weights.