TUBE 1006/1012 är utgångssteg med rör som är avsedda för signalkällor och försteg. Dessa är inte specifikt för Gold Notes produkter, utan kan användas för alla fabrikat. Produkten är ett buffersteg som låter signalen passera genom rör innan den når slutsteg/försteg. Mycket spännande produkt som måste upplevas.
Från tillverkaren:
TUBE-1012 and TUBE-1006 further improve the performance of Gold Note electronics, reaching a completely new level thanks to the 12-valve (TUBE-1012) or 6-valve (TUBE-1006) class A output stages. Gold Note sources and amplifications guarantee great control and definition while providing exceptional realism in recreating the musical event. But those who love the warm sound of valves and want to bring their system to its maximum performance will find TUBE-1012 or TUBE-1006 the right choice. Working in perfect synergy with Gold Note electronics, you can have a wonderfully natural sound and a High-End listening experience.
The proprietary Totem-Pole design, with six independent audio stages per Tube, ensures an ultra-wide bandwidth response and ultra-low distortion, guaranteeing a pure audio signal. Thanks to the new audio inputs on the rear panel, our valve output stages can be connected simultaneously to two sources: using the Tube input for Gold Note sources and the line input for those from other manufacturers. The input is selectable from the front panel for maximum convenience and ease of use.